This new blog of mine is supposed to cover both fashion and art. In addition to my on-going, troubled odyssey of personal style, I want to share inspiration from all fields of art, showcase aspiring and established Finnish fashion designers and try to keep up with what's going on in these scenes here.
My absolute favourite things happen, when the art and fashion worlds collide. That's why I must start with a post about a very special artist, who inspires me both through his work and as an impeccably stylish person.
Oscar Wilde would approve: the artist makes works of art of himself wearing works of art!
Ari Pelkonen is currently Finland's Young Artist of the Year. His work blends woodcut technique and painting, and
has been described as the most elegant art in Finland. I would concur and add that he's the most elegant artist anywhere that I know of.

I guess you might call most of Ari's paintings self-portraits. He uses his own stylishly dressed person as a figure, and builds on it with layers of luscious colours. Or at least that's my uneducated way of describing it, you should definitely go and see for yourself. Do hurry - the exhibition at
Tampere Art Museum closes after TOMORROW, Sunday the 22nd.

I first met Ari at my absolute favourite store,
Helsinki 10. His style encapsulates everything I adore about their selection, atmosphere and staff. He wears the avantgarde stuff by the likes of Demeulemeester and Owens with a natural ease, and he -like most of the people who work at the store - is also very naturally friendly, kind and welcoming.
I think my favourite piece of art in the world at the moment is "Tricky" by Ari Pelkonen. It's pink, and there's a picture of a pony!

(All pictures courtesy of
Tampere Art Museum.)